Python Hacks, Tips, and Tricks Every Developer Should Know

5 min read2 days ago

Python is highly appreciated for its simplicity and readability; however, this is just the beginning. The more you work with Python, the more you’ll learn how to unleash its full power. There are plenty of sophisticated methods and functions that will boost your productivity as a coder and increase the quality of your projects. In this article, we will cover some of the lesser-known Python hacks, tips, and tricks that will help you write cleaner and more efficient code.

1. Dynamically Setting Class Properties by Name

In Python, when working with classes, there is often a need to dynamically set an attribute, especially when you are working with configurations or data that is not known until runtime. The Python function setattr() sets object attributes on the fly.

Using the setattr() function provides a way for you to avoid hard-coding attribute names, making your code more dynamic and, therefore, flexible. This can be useful when you would want to create classes based on JSON or any other data source.

2. Auto Import All Files in a Directory

