Object-Oriented Programming in Python: A Deep Dive You’ll Thank Me For Later
Truthfully speaking, most of us didn’t get into programming because we wanted to write clean, maintainable code. We wanted snacks, flexible hours, or because someone told us “you’ll make a ton of money, bro!” And yet, here we are, writing lines upon lines of spaghetti code that could easily be called modern art. If that struck a little too close to home, don’t worry-I’m here to save your codebase, and quite possibly your sanity, with OOP in Python.
Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into Python’s OOP universe. And yes, I’ll hold your hand the whole way.
The Basics: What Even Is OOP?
Okay, imagine your life is a disaster, right? Bills are everywhere, you’re late to everything, and your cat is plotting against you. Now, imagine you could put everything into neat little boxes: your bills, your calendar, even your cat-literally, figuratively, whatever, not into actual boxes, don’t call PETA.
Think of OOP as those boxes. It is a programming paradigm where everything gets put into “objects.” An object is simply one package of data, called attributes, along with functions, called methods, that deal with the data.
Here is what this looks like in Python: